OPTIMIZATION OF AN AIR LUBRICATION SYSTEM FOR GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY Hannes Renzsch (FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS)Andrew Spiteri, Eduardo Blanco-Davis (LJMU)Milad Armin (ENKI Marine)Alex Routledge (Armada Technologies) Presented at 16th Symposium on High-Performance Marine Vehicles – “Technologies for the Ship of the Future”, Germany ABSTRACT This paper presents the challenges of developing and optimizing a second-generation Passive […]
Meet the Partners #5 – Liverpool John Moores University, UK

The aforementioned Passive Air Lubrication System (PALS) technology requires a good understanding of the hydrodynamics involved in order to maximize it’s effects. Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) shall contribute to this task with their expertise in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Meet the Partners #5 – Liverpool John Moores University, UK Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) is a public teaching, […]
Meet the Partners #4 – Armada Technologies Limited, UK

The RETROFIT55 Consortium is proud to collaborate with Armada Technologies Limited Technologies on developing innovative green solutions for sustainable shipping. Meet the Partners #4 – Armada Technologies Limited, UK Armada Technologies Limited Technologies is pioneering the development of a Passive Air Lubrication System (PALS) that has the potential to significantly reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from ships. Unlike existing […]