Overlaid Histogram

OPERATIONAL DATA ANALYSIS TO AID THE OPTIMIZATION OF RETROFIT SOLUTIONS WITHIN ‘RETROFIT55’ FRAMEWORK N. Themelis, School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NTUA)G. Nikolaidis, SimFWDV. Zagkas, SimFWDN. Tsoulakos, Laskaridis Shipping Co. LtdCorresponding author: nthemelis@naval.ntua.gr   Presented at the 17th Annual Conference of Marine Technology (ΕΛ.Ι.Ν.Τ.) – Nov 2023   ABSTRACTThe RETROFIT55 EU project aims to […]

Meet the Partners #13 – FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS AG, Germany

13 LinkedIn Post FSYS

With several years of experience in the field of flow-related shape optimization and with the help of their flagship software platform CAESES®, FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS AG shall contribute to the RETROFIT55 Consortium with their expertise in this field and also assist with several other tasks in the project. Meet the Partners #13 – FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS AG, Germany FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS AG is a German […]

Hydrodynamic Optimization of Ships

Bow optimization

HYDRODYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION OF SHIPS WITH RETROFITTED WASP SYSTEMS Hannes F. Renzsch, Friendship Systems AG, Germany Fabian Thies, Friendship Systems AG, Germany   Presented at Innov’Sails conference May 2023ABSTRACTWind assisted ship propulsion has the potential to be one of the mainstays of emission reduction of commercial shipping. As it is not feasible to simply replace the […]